August 30, 2023

Privacy Compliance Systems

August 30, 2023  •  1 min  • 151 words  •


Relevant Projects


    Browser extensions provide additional functionalities and enhance users’ browsing experience. Although web extensions inform users of their data practices via multiple forms of notices, some are inconsistent. ExtPrivA automatically detects the inconsistencies between browser extensions’ data collection and their privacy disclosures.


    Online trackers provide users with choices to opt out of their data collection. However, there is no guarantee that trackers' opt-outs faithfully stop tracking. We develop an automated framework, called OptOutCheck, that analyzes (in)consistencies between trackers’ data practices and opt-out choice statements.
    Online services increasingly provide users with cookie consent settings to accept/reject the cookies placed on their web browsers. These cookie consent mechanisms are notoriously inconsistent in their behavior, often violating users’ specified consent. To remedy this important oversight, we propose an end-to-end automated system, called ConsentChk, that detects and analyzes inconsistencies between a website’s cookie usage and users’ cookie consent preferences.
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